Boston Masonic Lodge of Masonic District #1A AF & AM of the most worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas recently (October 17, 2022) held an award presentation meeting. Two brothers, John Edward Zeller and Bobby Leo Stevens received a 50 year service award. O
October 26, 2022
Boston Masonic Lodge of Masonic District #1A AF & AM
Boston Masonic Lodge of Masonic District #1A AF & AM of the most worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas recently (October 17, 2022) held an award presentation meeting. Two brothers, John Edward Zeller and Bobby Leo Stevens received a 50 year service award. One brother, Keneth Foreman, received a 25 year award. The award presentation was attended by members of Boston Masonic Lodge, family and friends of the service award. Visitors were told why a Mason remains true to free masonry for all these yea...