Bowie County 1-30 - From FM 989 to Arkansas state line, reconstructing and widening highway, placing concrete barrier in median 1-30 - From FM 989 to FM 3419, extension of frontage roads. FM 2148 closed under 1-30 bridge 1-30 - Eastbound from FM 2253 past FM 3419, bridge work. Lane closure as needed SH 8 - At Sulphur River, replacing bridges 1-30 - Westbound, from one mile east of FM 990 for two miles, drainage upgrades. Lane closure Camp County US 271 - From FM 3417 to SL 179, resurfacing road. Lane, should closures Cass County US 59 - From 4 miles south of FM 2328S to SH 11, surface rehab. Lane closures SH 8 - At Sulphur River, replacing bridges US 59 - From 1.2 miles south of FM 2328N to 1.9 miles south of FM 2328S, resurfacing road US 59 - From SL 236 to FM 3129, resurfacing road US 59 - From SH 43 N to SH 77/FM 249, installing safety barrier cable. Lane closures Titus County US 271 - At Dickson Creek, Big Slough Creek, White Oak Creek & White Oak Creek Relief, replacing bridges US 271 - From FM 3417 to SL 179, resurfacing road. Lane, should closures FM 1735 - From SH 49 to FM 4000, widening road, closed to through traffic
September 26, 2023
Weekly Roadwork Report