Ok ya’ll, hold on, this might be a bumpy ride.
I remember an episode of the Simpsons from years ago when Homer did a bit where he talked about what grinded his gears. Well my friends, let me share a few things with you that grind my gears.
I am absolutely, completely, totally done with people who have nothing better to do than complain, especially on social media. I call these people “keyboard warriors” and these are those who have nothing better to do with their lives than go on Facebook and gripe. I see some of the same names over and over, and it’s like these folks just sit around on their Barcalounger all day, puffin’ on their Camels, coughin up a lung in between keystrokes while they rant and rave about everything from their fries being cold to the customer service they received at the local retailer. They whine and moan about folks that are bustin’ their a** every day trying to make a living, never once taking the time to consider that mistakes happen, people aren’t perfect, and sometimes when you are having lunch at a busy restaurant your order might not be exactly right every time.
I do not follow social media sites that live off of this kind of drivel, and the world would be a lot better off if more people didn’t. But guess what, dirt sells. People love to read a post with 200 comments about what somebody did wrong, or how their cheeseburger didn’t look like the picture on the menu.
Do us all a favor, make the world a better place, and just stop.
Next in line on the gears to be ground today would be those folks that want to see their town or community be a better place to live, but want to do nothing to help make it happen. People want progress, a better way of life, or maybe that the local school would do something different, but you don’t ever see them at a city council or school board meeting, or pitching in at the concession stand on game night, or at the local park picking up trash. People want their local politicians to do something, but won’t even go to the polls on election day and spend ten minutes filling out a ballot.
You know how I know this? Look at the voter turnout when we have an election of any kind around here. Here’s an idea. If there is an election, and there are candidates that are for or against a particular issue that interests you…go vote. For example, and I am going to make this as clear and concise as I can.
If you are a person who thinks school vouchers are a bad thing for education, then go cast your vote in the upcoming runoff for Gary VanDeaver. If you are a person who thinks that school vouchers are the answer to what ails our education system, then go to the polls and cast your vote for Chris Spencer. It is that simple. Especially if you are a teacher at one of our local school districts.
I will say again, I know both of these men and they are both hard working guys who believe in God and believe that they are doing the right thing. The dividing line between the two of them is one issue… vouchers. So, I will also say again, on runoff day it is a simple choice. But, if you are one of those that chooses to not even make the effort to go vote and let your voice be heard….then just hush.
Finally, my last gear to grind this week, a few days ago, April 4 to be exact, there was a travesty perpetrated in Bowie County that just has to be addressed.
It is a day that will go down as one of the darkest this year for sure, but I am going to attempt to rectify the wrongdoing. April 4 was National Hug a Newsperson Day, and not one of ya’ll came by to give me a hug. I won’t lie, I was sad. May have cried even a little bit, but we will trudge on. But, if you feel like you want to do your part to right this terrible wrong, come by the office sometime and I will take a hug and apply it to April 4.
While you’re here, ask the ladies in the office how April Fools Day went. Now that was funny.